Spring 16, making the 32’ ama (outrigger) from hulls of an 18’ solcat

Summer 16. Evan modelling a protoype aka foot (abandoned)

Fall 16. further experiments with aka foot structure

Fall16. building protoype aka (abandoned)

Fall16. detail of internal filleting of abandoned aka

Winter 17. David sanding scarf joints

Fall16. building base for aka (abandoned)

Winter 17 hull sides scarfed together (two pieces 30’6” x 4’)

Winter17, hull sides in place, bonded to prows

Winter 17. Beginning to flex and shape hull sides

Winter 17, shaping hull

Spring 17, using threaded rod to shape hull

Spring 17. steven with fitted bulkhead

Spring 17. Mid and end bulkheads

Spring 17. Steven bonding on new prows

Spring17. Jig for aka

Spring 17. Bulkhead filleted

Spring 17. Prow glassed in

Summer 17. Jason, Steven and Eleanor glassing aka

Summer 17.leeside box started

Summer17. fillignm aka with foam (failed experiment)

Summer 17. Vinay with cardboard pattern for leeside box side

Summer 17. Yet another aka foot (abandoned)

Summer 27. Vinay and DJ

Summer17. Actual geometry

Summer127. prepping the akas

summer17. Aka in final aka housing in ama.

Summer27. Ama looking good

Fall 17. Supports for foredeck

Fall 17. Foredeck bent on and bonding

Fall 17. Main deck beam

Fall 17. mid deck laid on, Franc gesticulating

Fall 17. Deck with cockpit cutout, and rudder support ears (later abandoned)

Fall 17. Aka socket

Fall 17. View from prow with aka in socket

Fall17 working late

Fall17. Deck and leeside box

Winter 18.Edging deck at cockpit. Note bulkhead cutout and thwart

Winter 18. Cockpit with thwarts and standing platform

Winter17 rollover. Asis, Ethan and Steven

Winter18 rollover. Carlos and Devon

Winter 18.rollover. Heave, Devon!

Winter 18 rollover - halfway

Winter 17 rollover

Winter 18, rollover

winter 18 rollover

winter 18 rollover,Asis.

Winter18. rollover complete

Spring18.Sole fitted. Sean glassing

Spring 18. Carlos glassing the sides

Spring 18.Glass draped on side prior to epoxying

Winter18. one side, glassed first layer

Winter 18. sanded ready for second layer

Spring 18. white uv barrier, first coat

"Spring 18. white uv barrier, second coat”

Spring 18. Rollover. Ennis and Simon

Spring 18 rollover. Carlos, Ennis and Simon

Spring 18 rollever, nearly there. Devon, Ennis and Carlos